“A Rant About Technology”
In response to “A Rant About Technology”, I agree with the writer when he states that even the simplest of things can be considered technology; not just complex objects like a computer. I believe that we have reached a point in human society that more and more complex things are the first thought of technology because of how much we have already technologically advanced. When in reality, even the very basic objects that are created today are equally considered as technology. One thing I don’t agree with the writer is how he criticized using “hi” and “lo” to describe technology. I believe that it is an adequate way to categorize certain technology based on its technical make-up. I do recognize how there can be a bias when we hear the words “lo-tech” and “high-tech”, but I think they are quintessential to showing humanity's technological progression. In all, the article shines a light on all technology and gets the point across when discussing the treatment of “lo-tech” and “high-tech” as equals.